Monday, July 25

For The Love...

Bad News Folks. July 12th marked the end of an era. Which era, you ask? Well, the one wherein I was a noble, upstanding citizen with ZERO traffic violations. (Lasted 33 months, which I feel is commendable).

Yeah. Photo ticket. What kills me is that I was on the way to the temple...the day before I was leaving town for 10 days...and I was debating going because I had to so much to do. Apparently I had so much to do that I decided to possibly (okay, fine, evidence) run a red light. Which is a pretty big (big=expensive) deal in Arizona...because I think AZ is the red-light running capital of the world. I swear to you I broke the plane prior to the light turning red...and I know all about "breaking the plane" from back in 2008 when I used to speed and had to go to traffic school. So. Luckily I can do online defensive driving school for a mere $200. For the love. Let that be a lesson friends...if you go to the temple...go SLOWLY.

Now...on with happy news...these are the things for which I am grateful today:

1-living 5 minutes from work and being able to come home for lunch
2-having had the opportunity to hike Havasupai (pictures to come)
3-things going well in private practice (yeah, I started one...need to write about that one day)
4-for new friends who make life fun
5-for living in a place where I get to wear flip flops pretty much year round. LUCKY!


Sarah said...

I just had the funniest memory come to mind reading about your driving record and the reckless citizen you are! :) Ha Ha! Do you remember one night I was driving us in "Olivia" (Our white truck), to our Sophomore Productions program? We had to get there early to be back stage and you and I were a little late, so.....I picked up the speed to get us there and make up for lost time! Well, when we got in front of Davis, I turned in front of a fast moving car to get us into the parking lot and you grabbed the door and yelled, "What are you trying to do? Ruin my life?" Then we both died laughing!! I told you to be grateful for the ride and that we were now right on time!! So, my you get a little lead foot, or you run a red light.....don't ruin anyone's life! :) Love ya! Good luck at Driving School!

Jules said...

Yes, that does ring a bell now Sarah...I remember that white truck and your mad speeding skills. Maybe I should blame you for teaching me to break the law?! ;) We had fun, huh? Hope you're doing you too.

Maggs said...

Jules! You never cease to make me laugh! Sorry you have to do traffic school, yeah that it's online. I did the same a few months back. Hate that you have to pay $200. Miss you friend!

Mom B said...

Sorry about the ticket and online driving school! I'm excited to see your pictures of Havasupai!

Sher said...

Pally!!!! Did you forget to keep a copy of the Ensign on your passenger seat?? For the LOVE.