Thursday, September 4

Rigoberto: Illustrious Warrior

Tonight as I walked out my front door and made my way towards my car I was jolted with an unexpected bump on my leg that was most surprising. Similar to the way it feels when a cat rubs up against your leg, except the motion was considerably more...vertical. I saw a dark shadow slink off to the front of the house and was thinking the culprit was either a cat or a very injured bird. Wrong. It was this very large creature. Frog, toad...I do not know.

I was late to meet my friend, but had to take time to go get my camera to capture him on film...because, are you KIDDING me?!?!? We're talking this guy is nearly the size of a dinner plate. I cannot even fathom how his tiny (in comparison) legs are capable of projecting his roundy body through the air. And I do not know why his bum is painted white. Seems maybe he stole some the paint off our house in the shuffle.

My roommate has seen him before so maybe he lives here. I will call him Rigoberto. Rigo for short. The name means illustrious warrior...and if nothing else, a frog can dream. And after all...he may just prince? I'll probably not be kissing him anytime soon to find out...


Michelle said...

HOLY CRAP THAT THING IS HUGE!!!!!! I thought my frogs were big at the size of deck of cards. HOLY CRAP THAT THING IS HUGE!!!!!! did I already say that?

Anna said...

I think you could make money with Rigo, bring him in feed him supper and you have yourself an actor. I'm sure tons of shows are dying to just add an enormous toad to the script.
Thats amazing, I've never seen anything even close to it.

Maggs said...

Holy crap is right!?! That thing is remarkable. I'm not sure what else to say about it. Are you still up to some visitors in October?

Mom B said...

First Scorpions, and now this...

P.S. Don't feed him; he will never leave. (do they eat scorpions?)

grandma blair said...

Max & I watched a PBS special on frogs that big,they have teeth and fight each other.(That was in Africa Probably not the same kind in Arizona). He is HUGE!!Glad you took the time to take a picture, I have never seen anything like that before.

Kim said...

Wow! You and your crazy creatures. Parker would have had a heart attack. We found a much smaller toad in our back yard one day and every time it jumped he started screaming in fear. I can only imagine what he'd do if he saw one that was bigger than his head. Crazy.

Bonnie said...

Toad, definitely toad. I asked my MENSA friends ... that's what they said! :) Rigo - that's a perfect name!! Can I adopt him as a class pet if you ever get sick of him? I love your BLOG Jules, even though it makes me miss you even more!

Jennica said...

OH MY WORD. That is SO huge!!! I am glad that you took time to take a picture of him to share. Who knew that those things live in AZ?!

Jamie Pearce said...

Oh Jules...I laughed so hard after reading this. You are so cute and funny! I love reading your is so entertaining. That is so huge! Wowzers!!! I hope you are doing good. Miss you and love you friend!

Kathryn Crouse said...

LOL!! Julie you are hilarious. I'm curious why his butt is white too. How stinking funny. How are things going?? I'm leavin to UT on Wed. Need anything? I'll be in Clearfield etc. I believe we had an appointment on Saturday with each other and I suck. I will call you when I get back so we can make it happen. Have a happy week!!