Monday, March 1

True Story

Before I tell this story, I want to make it perfectly clear that I am a safe driver. It's been WELL over a year since I've had even a minor brush with the law, I no longer speed and I have always checked by blind spot. That being said...had a tiny brush with death last night. Not my own so much, but that of a bicyclist.

See. It was 11:34 pm. Approximately. I was driving home from my friend's house and was at a stop sign on a side street. I look left-nothing, look right, nothing...begin to turn right, when suddenly...out of nowhere, there is a guy on a bike literally inches from the front of my car on the passenger side. He was none-too-happy about the fact that I almost killed him (understandably) and yelled "Oh my he--!" (censored to protect the innocent) as he softly pounded the hood of my car. He stops and I can tell he's preparing to really yell at me. I think to myself "So...since technically I didn't hit him, if I just drive's not a hit-and-run, right?!" But then I think of all the times running that I've almost been hit by drivers and decided I at least owe this boy a decent apology. It goes something like this:

Mad Cyclist (MC): "Ahhh! What were you thinking?!?! Didn't you see me?!?"
Me: No, I'm so sorry, I didn't.
MC: Ahhh! You scared me! You seriously almost hit me!
Me: I am very sorry.
MC: What were you thinking?!
Me: (thinking, I know this boy is in shock but this conversation isn't going anywhere) "I'm sorry"
MC: Didn't you see my light?
Me: (getting annoyed and defensive) "No, I didn't, you were going too slow, you hadn't passed me yet and the light is in the back of your bike, not the front!"
MC: "You almost hit me!"
Me: Yeah, I know. I'm so sorry. Are you okay?

So imagine that conversation cycling through a few times (nice pun, eh?). I said other brilliant things including "I ride a bike too!" and "I don't just HIT people!!!" (Wow Jules...deep). He said dumb things too. Understandably. Eventually he calmed down and said "I'm sorry, it just scared me." It was then that he said "Can I ask you a question?" To which I respond "Sure"...he asks my name, I tell him, he introduces himself (gives me his hand to shake-through the 3.5 inch gap in the passenger side window) and then he then says:

"I know this is weird, you think I could take you out sometime?"
Are you kidding me?!?! I burst out laughing and said "After I just almost killed you?" He says "Yeah, you seem like a nice girl." Random. So to abbreviate. I have a date with a guy I almost killed. Do not fret, I will meet him in a public place, he has minimal info about me...and I'm guessing this may be a one-time deal. He did smile while talking and say "Maybe this happened for a reason?" Hmmm. Hard to say. I do intend to tell him that next time he should A) get a light for the FRONT of his bike (as per AZ law regarding riding at night) and B) wear a helmet. I will do my part by being more aware. And I will apologize again. Only one more time though, as I still think it's mostly his fault.


red said...

Okay that's the BEST story I have heard in a long time...other than the almost dying part!! I hope you get some free dinner :) Go Hot stuff!!!

red said...

Maybe you can bring him a light or a helmet as an "I'm sorry you almost died gift" nice little ice breaker :)

Kasey and Jim said...

Crazy story!! Be sure to post the details of the date after it happens. That has got to win some kind of prize!

Linn said...

That is the best story ever! Way to be too cute to resist! Oh please call me after your date--I have to hear how it went.

I seriously can't stop smiling.

Suz said...

LOL!! That is a pretty great story. I burst out laughing as well- Cayden came running over and wanted to know what was so funny. :)
I hope the date goes well, because that is a great story.

Sarah said...

You know you have to post about the date as soon as it happens, right? If things end up working out with this HAVE to write a book! This is the coolest story ever! Have so much fun! Can't wait to hear about it! Show up wearing a head lamp!

Sher said...

Who is this guy??! You might want to think twice if his date idea is to take you bicycling at 11:30pm. What a hilarious story!

Anna said...

JULES, I'm loving this. that is awesome, he's got some guts asking out someone who almost killed him! Good luck! VERY PUBLIC place!!! Have fun. :) Please please post seconds after your date. it'll be interesting because you've already had your first fight!

Heather said...

What a great story...especially if things ended up working out! I was just talking about you with some friends the other night...Ann Gardner and Erin Murphy! Have fun on your date!

Mom B said...

This is your MOTHER.. I too laughed out loud when you told me and could see the end even from the beginning. Just be CAREFUL... and try to find out his last name :) okay?

red said...

I have connections with legal information if you want I can run a fairly extensive background and criminal check :) I hope he's hot!!