Saturday, June 21

100+ Scorpions!!!

Well, without pomp and circumstance I will tell my faithful readers that we have survived 100+ scorpions. My good friend Tere is in town from PA and asked to scorpion hunt. She was braver than most and despite finding about 18 within the first 5 minutes, she stuck in there til the end. As did the ever-brave Natals whose black flipflop has sent many a scorpion to scorpion heaven...if there is such a thing.

In other news. This week was a crazy, busy, painful, interesting, yucky, confusing, exciting, and devastating week. I am happy to know this week is not ever happening again. Beyond happy. Estatic I dare say. Goodbye June 16-21, 2008. I will miss you ZERO.

The end.


Maggs said...

Holy Scorpions! I love AZ...but the more I read your blog the more I tell myself I do not want to live there--just visit. Sorry about your week--I too am very glad that June 16-20th is over!

LiNdsay said...

Julie is everything okay?????????????????????????????? love RUFIO

Sher said...

Sweet, sweet Pally - so sorry it's been a rough week. The good news is that it's behind you - can only get better, right? I'm also sorry to hear that Natals' flip flop has become a necessary weapon of mass destruction. Probably never knew what it's true mission in life would be...

Mom B said...

So sorry about your no-good-very-bad-terrible week. I've been thinking about it though...and maybe it was an answer to your prayers? Anyway, tell Areta she earned her substitute-mother stripes by cleaning out your closet! With your scorpion infestation, I don't know if I could have done that!

P.S. 11 more days...

grandma blair said...

I can't believe that you could find that many scorpions in that short amount of time. Has anyone ever been bitten? Sorry about your week, hope you have a better one.

Jennica said...

Congrats on the scorpion find, I guess?! :) Sorry that you had a crappy week. I hope this one is better.

Rand said...

At least you didn't get a papercut!

Kim said...

Sorry to hear your week was bad. At least it can only get better from here. Hang in there.

Kathryn Crouse said...

Hey Julie, once again I've had a "little" update on at least your job situation. What a TERD. I'm kind of glad you found things out sooner than later, but dang, so frustrating!!!! Feel free to call and complain while Areta's out of town! Wish I could help. Areta said you had shown her some music and she was liking it... good job. Okay... the man on the beach... LOVE IT!! That was a fabulous video. Hang in there girly!