Tuesday, April 8

horrible hunting

I try to keep the scorpion talk to a minimum. But it's just that tonight we found 15, which is 20% of all that we've found in all the time we've lived here...so kind of a big deal. Our friend Ammon brought over a really great black light and we decided to go looking for them. We found one (dead) inside within the first minute...and from there found a total of 15 (with the majority being outside on the stucco wall). This big guy to the left...was HUGE...the picture for sure does not do him justice, but his torso was about the circumference of my pointer finger...we're not talking a little flat baby scorpion. ENORMOUS. And the worst news is, he's one that got away. The others we managed to kill. Sigh. I had big plans to have my favorite AZ "nieces and nephew" (the family that I have come to love as my own) over for movie night OUTSIDE this weekend...complete with projector and everything...but I don't think I can feel good about it now knowing the backyard is TEEMING with dangerous insects. And scorpion stings are even more dangerous for the wee ones...dang. I'll have to plan something else for the little wonders...


Anna said...

Oh my gosh. I think that is so much worse than mice. Mice don't really hurt you they are just yucky. Oh, I do not know what I would do. Do you spray for scorpions? ps did you see your mother's blog. She's adorable

Mom B said...

I want the name and number of your landlord. And when I come again - should we get a hotel?

P.S. Thanks Anna, back at cha!