Saturday, April 12

Friendly Officer

Last night I was driving home after a long walk/talk with a very good friend. I had quite a lot on my mind following the conversation that had just occured. As I was driving I noticed I was being followed by a police car. I thought "Am/was I speeding?" "Have I done something illegal?" followed by "Did he just see me texting?" (Yes, I may have sent a little baby text. And I guess I did not fully complete this baby text while completely stopped. Judge not.)

So on come the lights and they swirl through the air as my heart starts pumping faster than it has on any of my recent runs. I find a safe place to pull over. Mr. Officer walks up with a flashlight, asks how I'm doing and if I know why he's pulling me over. He asks me if I've had anything to drink and I laugh as I say "No, sir." All the while I'm frantically pulling stuff out of my glove box looking for insurance/registration. He then asks me if I've been reading, which I thought was a weird question. Then he shines the light on the magazine that just popped out of my glove box and says "What is that?" I flip it over and before I can say anything he smiles and says "Oh...the Ensign. So I guess you weren't drinking." He's back in a flash with everything and announces "No ticket. But no more reading the Ensign as you drive okay?"

Saved by the Ensign.


Anna said...

I have gotten out of my fair share of tickets, but usually I have to play the dumb card. "Which is the registration and which is the insurance, sorry officer I just don't know." Doesn't work anymore though. I got two tickets last year. :( One officer had the audacity to not even listen to my story and just gave me the ticket. The nerve....
I'll have to try the ensign trick, doubt it'll work here though.

Leah said...

I got out of a ticket once because I was coming home from break the fast. He asked me if I'd been drinking and then asked where I was coming from. I think he was disappointed because he really wanted to catch a drunk driver.

sara said...

the ensign! why didn't i think of that? i'll know for next time. did you see my blog for my experience?

Maggs said...

Hilarious...that's a good one, never heard of the ensign helping someone out in that way!

Jamie Pearce said...

I love this story! It was so fun, hilarious, and great! I enjoyed every bit of it! Don't worry...I didn't judge you! :) Impossible! :) You now have a link to my blog! Love you Jules!


grandma blair said...

What a great way to get out of a ticket.